Orientation 2024 Schedule:

The Orientation 2024 Schedule is now available on the Catholic University of America App!

Catholic University App

Use the following instructions to download the Catholic University App to view the Orientation 2024 Schedule which is best viewed in the Catholic University App.

  1. Open the App Store/Google Play.
  2. Search "Catholic University."
  3. Download the app with the Catholic U logo. (It's free!)
  4. Once downloaded, open the app and find the guidebook titled, "Catholic University Orientation 2024."
  5. Once you have downloaded the Orientation 2024 guidebook, click on the three bars on the top left corner to see the different tabs.
  6. You can view the Orientation 2024 Schedule, add events you will attend to My Schedule by clicking the + icon on the event, or view a Commuter/International/First Year/Family tracks.
  7. You can also view Campus Resources, Orientation Social Media, OA Staff, or Nearby Hotels and Restaurants.

2024 Schedule (Web Version)

While the best and most complete way to view the schedule is through the University app, you can see the schedule itself without any of the interactive features online as well. You can view the 2024 schedule online at https://builder.guidebook.com/g/#/guides/cuorientation2024/details