One of your roles is to provide support for your son or daughter as he or she assumes responsibility for his or her life. Encourage him or her to take the initiative in making decisions instead of relying upon you. When your son or daughter speaks with you and wants you to solve his or her problems and concerns, let him or her know you care and help plan a strategy for how he or she will seek a solution.
Students should talk directly to their instructors about academic problems — extensions for papers, arranging schedules, and graduation requirements— and to administrators and staff about other concerns, such as roommate problems, rule violations, and personal problems. When students speak directly to the people who can assist them, an efficient solution results and students begin to learn how to solve problems autonomously.
Parents and students often have different concerns about the transition to college. Typically students tend to be concerned about their social adjustment, while parents have questions about academics, financial aid, housing, and health services. The Parent Program will address the changes and challenges that you will experience as your son or daughter joins the Catholic University community. Your attendance at the parent orientation programs will provide you with an understanding of the University's expectations for your student, explain University policies, and give you time to speak with representatives from various University offices.
The University would like students to begin assuming primary responsibility for their academic and co-curricular decisions. Orientation is the beginning of this process, highlighting relevant resources and reminding students that their decisions will have important consequences.